Category Archives: Decor

Nursery Plans

With baby Charlie on the way, a lot of my time has been consumed with planning his nursery. We decided to move my home office downstairs and make that room his nursery. I already love having my office downstairs…it’s so sunny and not having to run up and down stairs several times a day is really nice. (I guess I should enjoy that while it lasts!)

Even before we knew the baby was a boy, I was in love with this nursery. I feel like it is very much my style, and while it is definitely a nursery, it doesn’t feel super themed or babyish. So I set out to create something similar in our own home.

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DIY Double Hanging Boxwood Wreath

Spring may only be one week away, but it snowed here yesterday. In eastern North Carolina. Seriously. #wtf. But despite the blustery weather, I’m getting ready for spring! And that starts with my front door.

Y’all know I have a black thumb and will opt for lifelike artificial plants whenever possible. I’ve been looking for the perfect boxwood wreath, but they all seem to be too small for our large front door. Then I had an idea…why not use two?

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702 Archives: Pops of Red for Valentine’s Day

This story was originally posted here. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m not a red person. It’s just not my favorite color (unless we’re talking about NC State — Go Pack!). In fact, we don’t really have any red in our house other than the art in our master bathroom. And that was a total fluke…I borrowed it from a local interior design shop to test out the size, knowing that I would hate the colors in our bathroom. But I actually loved it. It’s just the pop that room needed!

So that’s how I take my red: in pops. While I totally respect and admire a bright red room, it’s just not something you’re going to find in my house. But each year when February rolls around, I can’t help but be drawn to a few red things in honor of Valentine’s Day. So today I thought I’d share some of my favorite red pops!

702parkproject - Hillary Thomas

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