Fall Favorites from Target

Have y’all looked at Target lately? They are totally killing it! We’ve been on a spending diet lately to get rid of credit card debt, and it’s basically been torture every time I’ve been in there. I don’t think the temptation is worth the 50 cents I’m saving on milk. I digress.

Charles and I are hosting Thanksgiving at our house for the first time this year, and I am SO excited. We both have very small families, but we are planning to have about 12. It will be the first actual sit down meal we served for that many people, and I can’t wait!

So when I was begrudgingly lingering in Target the other day, I did a little mental survey too look at all the fall goodies in the home decor section. This post was going to be titled “My 5 Fall Favorites from Target” but that quickly became an impossibility. How can I choose just 5?! So here’s 16.


Gather Pillow Ι Starburst Bowl Ι Wheat Wreath Ι Gold Flatware Ι Hammered Tray
Leaf Bottle Openers 
Ι Grateful Platter Ι Velvet Pumpkins Ι Acorn Salt & Pepper
Ι Acorn Measuring Spoons Ι Cast Metal Turkey Ι Cast Metal Fox
Gather Plates Ι Homemade & Delicious Plates Ι Leaf Placemat

For real, y’all. I need those acorn measuring cups in my life. And the velvet pumpkins. And pretty much all of it.

When I was looking around, I also saw a ton of fall pillows that would be a great addition to any room. Here are a few of my favorites.


Beaded Scallop Pillow Ι Feather Velvet Pillow Ι Gold Pumpkin Pillow Ι Metallic
Square Pillow
Ι Fur Pillow Ι Acorn Pillow Ι Color Block Pillow Ι Gold Foil Pillow
Brush Stroke Floral Pillow
Ι Embroidered Feather Pillow

Don’t you love those?! I can’t wait to share some of my fall decorating with y’all soon. In the meantime, check out my ultra chic black and gold Halloween dining room!

Have you shopped at Target lately? What are your favorite finds?

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