12 Lessons in 12 Months

You may remember this post from the 10 month mark of our restoration.  As with most things, this process has certainly been a learning experience, and I think it’s safe to say we are still learning!


Since we hit the one year mark on Saturday, and we closed on our house about 10 days ago, I wanted to add a couple more lessons that I’ve learned.  Here goes…

1.  Always get a clear and detailed contract in writing.  Always.  Because our contractor is also a family friend, we let this one slide.  Big mistake.  ALWAYS get it in writing, even if it means going with someone else.

2. It WILL take longer and cost more than you planned.  Enough said. (Update: we are now in month 13 of our “4-month renovation.”)

Conan Facepalm

3. Choose your priorities.  Your budget will never go as far as you think (see #1).  In our house, we chose to have a few rooms professionally painted, but only the trim was done in the other rooms.  We painted those rooms ourselves, and saved a lot of money.  We also plan to paint the porches ourselves, and re-tar the roof to the front porch, among other things.  On a project our size, you can’t DIY everything, but you can find ways to cut corners.

4. Compromise is unavoidable.  But if you have to compromise, compromise on aesthetics.  Never compromise on the structural things that make your house safe and functional.  Stabilizing the electrical, fixing the plumbing, installing new air ducts…these things matter a whole lot more in the long run that my beloved pink couch.  I can’t believe I just said that! (Update: This is my favorite little corner of the house right now. It might be the only part of the house that is styled, but it makes me happy!)


5.  Invest in the long term.  We chose to install brand new heating and cooling units that are incredibly efficient.  The cost up front was big, but it will save us money long term.  The brick steps and cheek walls are another place that we decided to splurge.  But we think they are totally worth it!  One thing that most people would never know we invested in was our bathroom tile grout.  We chose to go with an epoxy grout instead of the regular grout because it is so much more durable, and virtually stain-proof and water-proof.

6. Take a breath.  Any renovation, whether you’re living in the construction zone or not, will take a toll on your relationship.  That also means, if you’re lucky, that you will come out on the other side stronger than ever.  Just remember to breathe.  You’re in this together.

Right Here Bro

7. Measure twice, cut once.  Ok, my dad taught me this a long time ago, but it’s so true.  Always double check.

8. Reduce, reuse, recycle.  I can’t tell you how much money we have saved by reusing old wood and bricks.  We’ve also reused old doors and moldings.  These really keep our home streamlined, and saves us a lot of money! (Update: we were able to use a tub in the master bathroom that’s original to the house.)

9. Think ahead.  I’m not saying you have to make your house wheelchair accessible, but you should think ahead to future obstacles.  For us, we decided to leave the downstairs bathroom a full bath so that our parents can stay downstairs comfortably when they get older, or one of us if we have a surgery or injury that prevents us from climbing the stairs.  We decided to add the tub to the upstairs guest bathroom instead of just a shower so that we have a place to “wash our babies” one day (as my mom likes to say).

10. Blog about it! You don’t actually have to start a blog, but be sure to at least keep a journal and take lots of pictures throughout the process.  You’ll be sad you didn’t later on. One day, hopefully many years from now, when I’m frustrated over something about our house, I can look back and see how much time, money, energy, blood, sweat, tears, and love we poured into it and remember the reasons why.

11. Even when you think you’re finished, you’re not.  We’ve been “officially” living in the house for about a month now, and we are still constantly finding things that need to be fixed or changed.  It’s a never-ending process.  I think this is probably worse with an old home, but it’s probably true to some degree no matter the age.

12. Throw your plans and your time table out the window.  I had hoped to have an open house/housewarming party in March, then April, then May.  Now I’m shooting for the fall! The planner in me has had to learn to just let that go. It will be fun when it happens!

And one to grow on….get a ROOMBA!!


Charles turns the big 3-0 in a couple weeks and he wanted the most romantic gift from his loving wife: a Roomba! So it came early and he is completely in love. I often catch him just standing in the corner watching it work.  He’s even named it (Rowdy the Roomba) and calls himself a “Roomba parent.” It’s pretty sweet.  And I have to admit…that thing is freaking awesome! I would totally recommend it!!

Now it’s your turn: What advice do you have for people buying, building, or renovating a house?!


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32 comments on “12 Lessons in 12 Months

  1. Sarah! I can totally relate to ALL of your advice! My hubby and I just wrapped up “phase 1” of our top to bottom home renovation. I think the biggest thing for us too was planning ahead. We also did a lot of work to our home in preparation for living their our whole life as well – i.e. until they check us into a nursing home. Another important thing we learned was that shopping around on things like fixtures can pay off big time!

  2. I’ve never heard of epoxy grout, but the benefits of it sound awesome! We have five kids and the bathrooms can get pretty wet and dirty. If I ever get the chance to remodel, I’ll look into that. Thanks for sharing! #magicmoments

    1. Hi there! We don’t have kids yet, but I would definitely recommend the epoxy grout if you do a renovation. It’s totally worth it! :)

  3. Great lessons – especially the blog about it. Sometimes when I feel we are getting no where with the house and it still such a state I look at the pictures and see how far we have come. Thank you for linking up with MotivationalMonday

    1. Exactly! It’s easy to forget all that we’ve accomplished, so looking back at the blog really helps. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. That’s so funny….Roomba parent. I think you did a great job with your tips and I don’t really have anything else to add. I do agree that if you can make it as a couple through renovations/DIY projects that you can probably make it through anything…lol. Thanks for the tips and sharing on Merry Monday.

  5. These are so real! When we built our house, I wish I had read this post. There is definitely a need for a detailed contract, and also for compromise. I still feel that we had a few problems that were never resolved, but by taking breaths, I work through it. Great post with realistic and appropriate tips!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Elizabeth! This list is definitely a work in progress! ;)

  6. This is great advice for anyone building or remodeling!

    Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!

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