The Best Valentine’s Day Gifts I Ever Received

Happy Friday, friends! As I said earlier this week, I’m not big on Valentine’s Day. There’s usually a lot of build up for no real reason. I remember in college, we always went out to a nice, expensive dinner and got each other really thoughtful gifts. Now, there’s nothing we’d like more than to order a pizza, drink some wine, and watch a movie. Funny how your idea of date night changes over the years, huh?

Now we usually set a price limit for most gifts, and it’s usually pretty low for V Day. I suggested we skip the gifts this year, but Charles didn’t like that, so we have a $10 limit (Oh the joys of home ownership and lots of bills!).  This could get interesting.

Anyway, today I wanted to share 3 of the best Valentine’s Day gifts I’ve ever received.

702 park project - v day

The first gift is a Cork Pops wine opener. CP gave me this 8 Valentine’s Days ago, and we still use it all the time. If you’re not familiar, these wine openers use compressed air cartridges to pop out the cork. We’ve replaced the cartridges a few times, but it still works like a charm.

Another favorite gift was the movie Zombieland. I know, it’s weird. But if you know me at all, you know I will take a silly action movie over a drama or even romantic comedy any day. I get teased about it all the time, but the way I figure, if an action movie is bad, it’s still entertaining. If a drama is bad, it’s just bad. I love that my husband knows this about me and threw romance out the window to get me something I’d really enjoy a few years back.

And lastly, the best Valentine’s Day gift by far was spending our first night in our house 2 years ago. We were still a few months away from moving in, but we decided to sleep over anyway. We ordered bad Chinese, cracked open a bottle of red wine, and sat on the floor to eat. I think we played a board game after that because there was no TV and very little furniture. We spent the night in the guest room because our bedroom had not furniture and our bathroom was not finished. We froze all night long (that’s when we realized the chimneys had to be capped) and it was one of the worst nights of sleep I’ve ever had. But that was the first time that it really sunk in that this place was ours. We get to live here. After a year of major construction, impossible decisions, lots of hard work and elbow grease, and a few big arguments, we realized that we were almost there, and that it could be ours forever. And that was easily the best Valentine’s Day gift I’ve ever received.


What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten for V Day? Do you have plans? How will you celebrate?

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