
First of all, thank you all so much for the birthday wishes yesterday on the blog, Facebook, and Instagram! Y’all sure know how to make a girl feel special.

As of yesterday, we officially have a landline at home. I feel like we’ve stepped back in time. I haven’t had a landline since I lived with my parents almost 10 years ago. I mean, I can do everything on my iPhone. I have so many questions…


Should we now start screening calls by waiting for the answering machine to come on? Will we have to use *69 often? Will we actually keep the phone book that’s delivered instead of throwing it away as usual? If I press 0, will I get an operator? If someone’s on the phone, will the internet still work?

Do you have a landline? Do you ever use it?

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9 comments on “Landline

    1. Ha! Technically we’ve had the line since about May, but just finally got around to installing a phone. You can tell it wasn’t high on our priority list! ;)

  1. Ten years ago I sat down and really examined my land line bill and discovered most of the charges were taxes and fees that had nothing to do with my actual usage. I cancelled and never looked back. Don’t miss the aggravation from unwanted sales calls either.
    Maralyn Woods recently posted…LandlineMy Profile

    1. It’s so funny how these things work…it was actually cheaper for us to bundle our phone and internet than to just get internet. Weird. Hopefully we won’t get too many unwanted calls on it!

  2. I keep thinking I should have one just for “safety’s sake”. For babysitters, for the kids to learn 911, etc. But I really don’t plan on using it, just emergencies (which would hopefully be NEVER) so I’ve been dragging my feet on getting it added to our bundle. On the never-ending TO DO list!
    Kristen recently posted…Bunny Mellon’s Auction – “Interiors”My Profile

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