
Do you ever just feel stuck? Like you know you need to just pick a direction and take a step forward but you just can’t? Well, that’s been me for the past few months when it comes to this blog.

This Park Project started out as the chronicle of our home restoration. But really, the Park Project is the lifelong story of the home and life we’ve built within these walls. Our lives have evolved so much since I started this blog over 5 years ago, and I feel like my little corner of the internet should reflect that.

I’ve been apprehensive to make a change because I know why so many of you came here in the first place. Do I keep this blog strictly in the home/DIY/design genre, even though that’s not totally where my heart is right now? Or do I make some changes and risk disappointing those who have been with me since the beginning? Instead of making a decision, I made the wrong choice. I froze. I did nothing. I fizzled.

Well today, I’m unfreezing. Thawing, if you will.

Don’t worry. This isn’t becoming a mom blog. But it is becoming a little more well rounded and geared more towards lifestyle. So you’ll still find posts about home projects, DIY adventures, and design trends, but you’ll also find posts about what’s going on with our family and what I’ve learned so far through my short foray into motherhood.

I’m excited to get back into this thing that once brought me such joy. Thank you for sharing in this journey with me. Thank you for sticking around.

By the way, if you’d like to keep up with what we’re up to daily, I share often on my Instagram stories. Follow along here! 

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3 comments on “Crossroads

  1. I’m not so sure you have been frozen as much as you have been busy being a great mom! Your writings take time and that is not something new moms have a lot of:) So happy to see this blog up and running again although I can’t promise you’ll have an abundance of time! I love you

  2. Where has time gone? When you walk in the nursery don’t you want to stop the hands of the clock from spinning so fast? Slow down for a few seconds each day so you can savor this moment. 702 Park Project…Slow down…Unknown paths/decisions ahead…Savor this Moment! Enjoy your blog!

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