Blog Hop: Next Stop On The Tour

Happy Monday, my loves! I hope your weekend was filled with happiness!

Have you heard of this Tour Through Blogland that’s been going around? I’ve been loosely following and it’s so fun to get a glimpse inside the minds of a variety of bloggers. I’ve enjoyed learning about the processes and motives behind each blog.

I was tagged by two sweethearts that I now consider dear “bloggy” friends: Elizabeth at Little Black Door and Griffin at The Design Itch (see their blog hop here and here). Thanks for including me in this fun tour, friends!

Here goes!

702 Park Project - B&A1 702ParkProject - Back B&A1

Why do I write?

Blogging, and writing in general, is something I sort of stumbled into by happenstance. When we decided that we were going to build our lives around this “new” old house, I knew that I wanted to share that experience. I began blogging as a way to kind of virtually scrapbook the process and the experience. A way to share our story with those closest to us, and a way to remember. But blogging ended up giving me something I never knew I had…a creative voice.

I’ve always leaned heavily towards math and science, and I’m an accountant by day, so discovering that I had a creative side was both surprising and exhilarating. I truly find so much joy in writing this blog and sharing our home with you.

OS Wedding

What are you working on?

I’m ashamed to say that I’ve let my Etsy shop fall by the wayside in the last few months. I’ve been shipping a bunch, but haven’t done too much otherwise. Summers are just so crazy, and with an overflowing plate, that part of the business got pushed aside. But that’s changing now! I’m working on getting photos of the new inventory and hope to be posting those soon.


I’ll also be hosting a baby shower and the 100th anniversary party for the Daughters of the American Revolution in the coming weeks, which is keeping me busy with cleaning and decorating the house!

Lastly, there’s a little tiny business venture in the works, but you’ll just have to wait for more details on that! Sorry, I’m a tease. ;)

702ParkProject - Dresser B&A2

How does your blog differ from others in your genre?

Pretty much every DIY and home blogger has a passion for his or her home, and I’m really no different. I love sharing my home with you, as well as my projects. I guess my blog takes a slightly different path because my husband and I have such a strong familial bond with our home.  Be sure to read about here…seriously, goosebumps every time.


What is your writing process?

I’m a Type A planner through and through. Those that know me well know that I generally have a color-coordinated spreadsheet for every event, and I love love love lists! So I usually have my posts scheduled at least a couple days in advance, and I try to post 5-6 days per week. If I know I’m going to be away, I plan ahead. I generally have my “This Week’s Links” and “Quotable Friday” posts scheduled quite early.

As far as content, that’s easy: I keep a secret Pinterest board! I can’t be the only one that does that, right?! Obviously, a lot of my content comes from what’s going on in my home, but I also have a gazillion other ideas floating around and I either pin them or jot them down in my planner. I’m a stickler for spelling and grammar, but don’t tend to edit too much other than that. I’ve found, in almost all areas of my life, I am much more likely to make mistakes when I second guess myself. My first pass is usually my best.


Hopefully you enjoyed that, and learned a little more about me and what I do. Now I’m passing this torch on to Alison at Heart of Gold. It’s your turn, lady! Have fun! :)

PS- follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+ to keep up!

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6 comments on “Blog Hop: Next Stop On The Tour

  1. So happy to stumble upon your beautiful blog and learn about you and your wonderful project. Your home is gorgeous. We too are restoring a southern home and boy what a job…love the color you painted yours!

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